Thursday, November 24, 2011

44th Capital One Turkey Trot

Today was the 44th annual Capital One Turkey Trot in Downtown Dallas. This is my 2nd year going to it. Last year I ran in it. This year I got to volunteer.

So as I was in the VIP tent I got to help everyone be in the Guinness Book of World Records. 

They were trying to get enough people dressed as turkeys in one spot at one time. 

The final number of turkeys???  661

This is Lee. He works with me. I think everyone thinks that his costume was the best all day.

Although the kids who made their costumes, and wore them throughout the race was really cute too.

So walking back to my car after the race was over, I noticed a paved piece of road. This was not a normal paved road. It sparkled!! Reminded me of Edward Cullen. I'm not going to post a pic of him cause if you don't know what he looks like by now, then you need to read the books, or go see the movies Twilight. But this is the road, I got a video of it!

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