Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter Hibernation

I know why bears hibernate. Not because of the cold, not because of the lack of food; because there is nothing to do. When you get home from work, and its already dark, you don't go out to do more. Once inside, you stay inside. If I do have things to do after work, I know not to go home, because if I do, I'm not going to my night activity.

I would like to think that if I lived in a place that had snow regularly that I would go outside, build snowmen, have a snowball fight. Ski, and snowboard. Oh how fun that sounds! Just to have snow above my ankles sounds like fun to me!

So why hibernate? Well first of all, I am comfortable in my home. I can curl up on the couch, and read, r watch tv. But it gives me time to reflect. I have learned to like reflection. But also I think when the sun goes down around 6pm, I feel like the only thing to do is go home.

I don't like the dark. First of all, I have always learned that the light is good, and the dark is bad. But the dark always come with creepy sounds, and shadows that I can never figure out what they are. Even a stuffed animal can become a ferocious beast in the dark.

So when the dark comes, I hibernate, because I can control this dark. And I know my house well enough to not be afraid of these sounds.

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