Saturday, January 14, 2012

Do Nothing Day

After last night and staying out way too late. I slept in until 10am

So after deciding to lay in bed for another half an hour, I decided it was time to get up (around 10:30am) I thought about what I was going to do today.

  1. Go into work for OT (woke up too late... Oops)
  2. Get the oil changed in my car
  3. Clean my kitchen
  4. Blog about last night
  5. Read my book "To the Rescue"
  6. Do Family History
  7. Go shopping for food
What actually happened... NOTHING. I ate breakfast, and then decided that since I had a headache I was going to do nothing. It was a great do nothing day. I did finish two things on my list, I have now blogged twice today, and I have cleaned my kitchen. 

Although I didn't read in "To the Rescue" I did restart one of my favorite books of all time. "Lean on Me" by Jack Weyland. It may be a little cheesy, but I love it. 

I have also enjoyed my couch, and the book all day. My one complaint is that my feet were freezing for most of the day, even with my warm socks on. Oh well I think I will suffer. haha. 

I have even made dinner, and am making more for leftovers! (Leftovers is a big step for me... I have never liked them.) I have even learned that I enjoy the taste of my own cooking! 

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