Sunday, January 8, 2012

When does age matter?

Sometimes I feel too old, others too young.

Too old to be a kid anymore. I think of the kids that just graduated high school. How they are still teenagers, and see the world through rose colored glasses. Everything is bright and new, ready to be explored. These teens care about what they know, I'm not saying everyone does; but their perspective is limited. I've been there, I remember only being able to see what lies ahead of me. Consequences didn't matter because I wanted to have fun.

Too young to be considered for anything of importance. I don't want to say that in a negative way. But that's how I feel. I have ideas, that I want to share with the world; but how do you get people to listen when they are only ideas. I am not of wealthy parents, I do not have the capital to start up these ideas. I don't have much to show of them really. Just a inability to think of much else when it pops into my head.

I feel like because of my age no one takes me seriously. The younger crowd see me as a individual who is trying to hang onto her youth. The adults see me as too young to handle any real responsibility, or too naive to understand all needs to be done.

My dad has always taught me that even though you grow up physically, and mentally, you can always still have a young heart. That's what I feel like I have. A heart that isn't ready to be a dull adult. Not ready to be tamed.

I think of adults that I admire, who like me, still have a young heart. A Young Women's President when I was a teen who kept me in stitches laughing so hard. She is a child at heart. Another woman that I admire is a P.E. Teacher/DJ lady for DJP Mobile Sound. She has so much energy!

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