Thursday, January 19, 2012

Living on my Own: Love/Hate

So I have been living on my own for almost 4 months now! I really can't believe that it has been this long.   My first blog about Living on my own, I wrote about lessons learned.

Living on your own, there is so much to get used to. Thats what today is about. What I love, and hate about living on my own.

Love: Walking in the door to silence. It's so nice knowing that for the most part, I choose what sounds are made in my house. For all my talk of not liking silence, I think I was wrong. There are times that sitting in the silence, and the only noise that is made is the clicking of my keyboard, or the wind.

Hate: Laundry. Not doing the laundry, but LUGGING it up and down 3 flights of stairs. Tonight I almost  broke my pinky lugging the heaviest bag up tonight. Plus because I don't have a washer/dryer (and i don't want to pay to do my laundry) I have to take it to my mom's house. Now I do have a washer/dryer that is mine, but I have to find out how to get the two appliances into my closet.

Love: Decorating my apartment how I want to decorate it. All my life I have wanted to decorate, and show my creative side. Right now my apartment isn't perfect, but there are elements that I love. Like my dining room wall. I have a set of shelves that I love. It is holding a quote that I love. Also in my room I have a shelve that has pictures of my family on it.

Hate: Being alone. Now, I know what you are thinking... Doesn't the whole "Living on your own" give that away? Yes, and no. Yes, I knew that by living on my own I would have times that I was alone. But what I didn't realize is how much time I would spend alone. Sometimes I'm ok, but other times I miss having people to talk to. I think the worst part is when I remember a funny time, and I want to share it with a friend. I want to laugh with someone, and stay up too late just talking.

I have learned that many things are different when living on my own. There are some things I would change, and others that make my day. Funny thing is, I wouldn't give up the bad (except for not having anyone to laugh with) for something different. In these 4 short months I feel like I have changed who I am and that is what I wanted to do.

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