Thursday, March 29, 2012

Women at the Well... Continued

Tonight is the night before the big reveal! Tomorrow is the Women at the Well Cast Party! I get to watch the video... again. It's a good thing I really love the show, and I love the songs too. As I am now just finishing up making the dvd's to give to the cast members, I have some time on my hands. Each dvd takes about 10 mins to burn.

So here is a sneak peak of the show... In pictures. The pictures I am going to post are all my pictures, even though I did get more pictures from other photographers at the events I do not have the rights to those pictures.
The Well
Some of the set (Que is amazing)

I love how the scenery even had fruit

This might be my favorite. The poor vase
More of the gorgeous scenery! It's just a table but is so much more!

Friday night Cast

Saturday night cast! I love everyone of these women! (And the little Nephite boy too)

What more is there to say? This was one of the hardest things I have ever taken on. I knew it was going to be challenging to edit the movie, but this wouldn't have looked as good as it does without help from my Heavenly Father. Even though I have watched the movie about 20 times. I still find new places where I feel the spirit overwhelm me!
So a big THANK YOU goes out to all those involved in making this production go as smoothly as it did. The women (and men) that I worked with are all truly amazing! They have taught me so much of how to use my talents and let them shine.

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