Saturday, March 24, 2012

Getting antsy

So next week is MY BIRTHDAY! I love my birthday week. I love celebrating for the whole week, because I am special, I had a pin that told me and everything. Haha. But I really enjoy birthdays. Maybe even more than holidays. Holidays are special for everyone, but not everyone has your birthday. It is special. But this year is not just any birthday it's my... GOLDEN BIRTHDAY! (Reference) 

So I will be turning 30 on the 30th. There I said it, it's out loud now. I am going to be 30. Where did the time go? I'm not nervous, I don't think the world is going to stop turning, Just happy that this Friday I get to join the 30 club. They say 30 is the new 20 right? I think I am going to have to test that theory out.!

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