Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Food Glorious Food

I came home tonight hungry. This is a great sign for me. Why? #1 It means that I didn't buy dinner. #2 It means that I want something from home. I looked through my pantry, and there isn't much. I'm getting ready to move, so I don't want a lot of food to have to move along with all the furniture that I have acquired.
crescent rolls with meat
So I found some pre-made meat, and then some crescent rolls, and I decided to make meat in a blanket.

pre oven
They turned out GREAT! I threw them in the oven for a little longer then they said because I learned that they take longer to cook.

right out of the oven. They smelled Great!

When they were done I dipped them in spaghetti sauce. This is so exciting for me! I can cook! I don't mind eating my own food, and reheating my own food. PLUS I can save money. WOO HOO.


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