Friday, April 6, 2012

ok, I'm done being single

Yesterday was an interesting day. I woke up early to leave with enough time to get to work early to get a little bit of OT in. Everything was going great, and I even was having an ok morning, eggo's were good, and I packed my lunch. I went down to my car, and thats when things went wrong.

Torii(my car) started just fine. But as I was pulling out of my apartments I remembered that one of my tires was low, so I went to a gas station to get air in my car. I pull in, and for some reason instead of adding air to my tire, it really deflated it. So I drive (rather slowly now) to another gas station not too far away. I fill up the no flat tire, and the light didn't go off. So I kept filling up the tire that I thought was low.  I filled the tire for a long time, and the low light never went away. None of the other tires seemed low, and I don't own a tire gauge (don't worry I'm buying one soon.) So I tried to add air to the other front tire. Nothing changed. Finally I called a friend to come help me. As I got off the phone a nice man came and asked me if I needed help. He had a gauge, and saw that my two front tires were overfilled! The one that I had put the more air in was actually WAY over inflated. So he fixed both of them to the normal level. Thank you! But the low tire light was still on, and I needed to get to work. Finally Cleave arrived, and he helped me fill the only tire that looked fine, and was actually the low one (go figure.)

So why am I ready to not be single any more? I am really rather done with having to take care of all the "manly" things. I didn't grow up with a man in the house, and IDK all the inner workings of a car. When to get an oil change, when to replace my tires, how to know what tire needs filling. Things like that. I am ready to cook for some one other than myself. To keep track of two schedules.

Being single has been and still is really fun, however there comes a time when being single and free isn't so freeing anymore, and you become ready to take the next step in life. I think I am at that point in time.

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