Monday, January 2, 2012


2012 is already a big change in my life. I can feel it. It has only been two days of the new year, but already I feel more focused on my future. I have a lot of good talks to myself, about the things I am going to see come to fruition this year, not just things that I want to happen. 

There was no magic pill that I took that gave me motivation, no quote I read that is giving me positive reinforcement. Just something simple said yesterday at church. That when we tell Heavenly Father what we truly desire, it becomes His desire as well for us (as long as it is a righteous desire). I have thought about that all evening long. What are the deepest desires of my heart? These are not goals; goals are too finicky, and changeable. Desires are persistent, and a steady wish from my heart.

I can't tell you all my desires. They are personal, and only meaningful to me. This isn't to say that I don't want to be accountable for them, but for once the only person I really want to be accountable to is myself. It really boils down to the self journey that I am taking. It is very long and arduous, but very rewarding as I am the only one who can praise my self when I do something right, and the only one who can discipline myself when I do something wrong. This has been helping me a ton with my self esteem. I used to look to others to give me my self worth, but I know now that you have to be happy with who you are, before it matters what anyone else thinks. 

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