I want to run a marathon...did I just say that?Yes I said those exact words! To hear those words come out of my mouth is like a tiny miracle, and part insane.
- I hate running just to run. I think it is evil. I don't see the point in it.
- The only time I like to run is when playing a sport, because then you are not running, you are playing.
- Running on a treadmill might be the death of me. At least if I have to run I want to feel the breeze of the wind on my face.
My inspiration |
Now saying all this I still really do want to run in a marathon. All 26.2 miles. All the crazy hills, and sore feet; the time when you want to give up because you hurt, and the times that your body is screaming out in pain and you are wondering how you keep taking that next step, but all in all you don't want to give up.
So I know I am not in the kind of shape that I can just go out and run for a long period of time. Heck I have never been in that kind of shape. I think the longest run I have ever been on was for soccer in 10th grade, we ran for 40 minutes straight and I thought that was a long time. So I have been reading up on how to prepare for running greater distances.
Now that I have committed myself to run, I find myself watching every movie/show and just wanting to run. But I have one tiny problem. My shoes are already packed. So I have promised myself that my running shoes are going to be the first things unpacked in my new apartment. So I can start on my journey to a marathon.
I may change. In fact I hope I do! I want to change into someone who loves to run, who sees the freedom that running brings, and who can loose themselves in the exercise.
that is awesome! you should try to do the (crap forgot the name) but it is a method of learning to run long distances. you should sign up for a marathon for a year out and then do 5k, 10k and half between now and then. so the method I'm doing is where you start out running (a slow run) for 2 minutes and then 1 minute and you do that for 30 minutes. I think the guys name starts with a G. sorry I know that is no help at all.