Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I need ideas!

So I have told you in my post called When I am Bored I talk about how I want to write a movie script. It's kinda been a pipe dream of mine for a while. I have a basis of a story already together, with some of the characters already in place, and some I know who they are but I don't have a name for them.

So here is where you come in. I don't want to tell you the plot line (for fear that someone might actually steal it). But what I can do is tell you a little about what I need in the movie.

 1. A NAME for a boy. Age of 24-30. I want a good name, that may can be shortened. He is good looking. Dark hair, blue eyes. Around 6'2". He played football (linebacker) in high school, so he is strong, but a big teddy bear.

2. A NAME for a boy. Age 22-25. This needs to be a biblical name. He is a little geeky, but has fun. He's blonde headed, with blue eyes. He's never been good at sports. He loves to hear himself talk. He has 4 brother, and 3 sisters. He is the oldest out of all of them.

This is just the start of the idea help that I need.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

44th Capital One Turkey Trot

Today was the 44th annual Capital One Turkey Trot in Downtown Dallas. This is my 2nd year going to it. Last year I ran in it. This year I got to volunteer.

So as I was in the VIP tent I got to help everyone be in the Guinness Book of World Records. 

They were trying to get enough people dressed as turkeys in one spot at one time. 

The final number of turkeys???  661

This is Lee. He works with me. I think everyone thinks that his costume was the best all day.

Although the kids who made their costumes, and wore them throughout the race was really cute too.

So walking back to my car after the race was over, I noticed a paved piece of road. This was not a normal paved road. It sparkled!! Reminded me of Edward Cullen. I'm not going to post a pic of him cause if you don't know what he looks like by now, then you need to read the books, or go see the movies Twilight. But this is the road, I got a video of it!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Worst day Possible

So yesterday I told you that my best friend moved. I knew today was going to be hard. I just didn't know that hard wouldn't even begin to describe it.

Hard would mean that I was able to concentrate at work. But that didn't happen.

Hard would mean that when I saw a picture of her I would remember the good times, and be sad that I'm not gonna have those with her again. But when I saw a picture of her I remembered the times of my crying like a baby.

Then to add a kicker (or maybe a kick in the gut would be a better description) my job sucked today. Like no deal was good. I verify information, and it sealed like everyones info was missing or wrong. WTH (what the heck!) it's the day before thanksgiving 2011 and I am supposed to be thankful, but instead I am just upset, mad, and hurt.

Let's add to the fact that my bestie was driving through a no cell service zone. I didn't even know that USA still has places that didn't have cell service.

Now I don't like to throw pity parties for everyone to see. I throw plenty with small groups, but I don't like to tell a lot of people b/c I feel like you are then just looking for sympathy. So I am sorry that I am throwing this party all over the Internet. But I had to get it out.

Maybe tomorrow will be better. Only time will tell.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Keep Moving Forward (Gone but never forgotten)

Have you ever seen the movie Meet the Robinsons?

It opened on my birthday in 2007. It's one of my favorite movies. Disney, of course. Well one of the parts I love the most is when Louis (the blonde haired child inventor) was down on himself for not making his peanut butter/jelly gun work. While he is sad, everyone else praises him. Then they show him the Master inventors slogan of Keep Moving Forward.

That's what I feel like. The day has finally arrived that my best friend (we will call her Andge) moved away. She will be going to another state to follow her dreams. And while I miss her already, I can already feel the help from the Holy Ghost with calmness. And peace from my Savior Jesus Christ that I am going to make it. This move was for the best for both of us. I do look forward to this. I also am going to keep moving forward in all other aspects of my life.

Mighty Moxie just might have been an inspired title for my blog. Because I feel like I am going to have to have more moxie to be myself.

As for Andge, while she is gone, her teachings have taught me so much. She is a force within me that makes me strive to get better. I am glad that she listened to the spirit and decided to move. Her faith helps mine to move towards something. Something new? Something new? Exciting? Something with Moxie.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Walking on eggshells

Every now and then I feel like I am walking on eggshells for people. Not because I want to but because I am afraid of how they will feel. I don't like to hurt peoples feelings, and never want to have anyone mad at me. Therefore sometimes I keep things bottled up inside of me for too long.

Last nights was one of those nights. I have many good talks with my good friends. In fact I love staying up late just listening to them talk, or telling them my stories of growing up. Well last night I knew that I needed to tell my best friend something, I knew that it had to get out, but was afraid of her reaction. I knew her stance on the subject to be very firm, and my opinion was different. So trying to even bring up the conversation was hard. (BTW she did not help either because I tried to ask leading questions, but she never answered a question with another question) So finally I had to just tell her that I had something to say that she needed to hear. As I was able to finally open up about what was needed to be said, I looked at her to see if she was mad, bewildered, or angry; but I saw non of that on her face, only a calm reassurance. She asked me why I hadn't brought it up before, and I told her about being worried how she would react. We talked for a little bit more, and then the night ended.

I was amazed. How could something that I had had severe worries about go over so well? How could she accept? Looking back now I still don't know, but I feel more at peace. I am less wound up, and got a really good sleep last night (once I was able to actually fall asleep).

So that is what I want everyone to learn today. There is no need to walk on eggshells. Pretty much the only one you are hurting is you. When you keep your frustrations locked up inside of you it doesn't hurt the other person; it only hurts you. They might not even know that anything is bothering you. Plus once you clear the air, you feel so relieved. That burden has been lifted off your shoulders. We have so much to carry already, why carry more?

Just to note, I am not saying that it is going to be easy to say; and I am not saying that it is going to be the same reaction as I have had; I am saying that it is going to be beneficial. When there is a wall built up between friends, siblings, lovers; something is wrong. Communication is the key to all our relationships. We can all communicate more.

So this really was gathering up enough moxie to help me to speak. It's good to know that I am starting!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When I am bored...

When I am bored...

I daydream. Like not just regular dreams. Like these dreams consist of characters with back story. It's like I know them, I feel for them, I want the best for them. Want them to be happy, to fall in love, and to fulfill their dreams. These characters continue to grow; they get angry, they date the other characters, which then they break up because most of the characters aren't right for each other.

I don't know if this is normal or not; and to be honest I don't care if it is or isn't. My daydreams are pretty cool. I have like little movies going on inside my head. Probably just from watching too much TV as a child, but at least it did something good for me.

So maybe one day you will be watching TV, and you will see a trailer for an upcoming movie. Just think of me, because that is on my bucket list. To make a movie that I wrote.

Most likely it will be under the teen category.

I love the teenage angst, the hopes and dreams that they go through, that eventually get crushed, and then renew, and grow as they mature.

Look out world, I've taken the first step (admitting that I really want to do this) next comes putting my daydreams on paper. Once this ball gets rolling, it may not stop.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Faith. This simple five letter word gets people talking, but it also gets people mad, upset, and angry at each other. Sometimes it can make you walk on egg shells to avoid certain topics; but in other circumstances it becomes the white elephant in the room. Some people boast about theirs, while other people quietly go about their lives while pretending it doesn't exist.

I believe we all need faith. We need to believe that there is someone out there that loves us, and wants us to return home to live with Him again. If we are on this earth just for today what is the point of our lives? Why would we live for just 70ish years, and then nothing ever again?

As a child I was shy about my faith. I wasn't sure about what I knew to be true, and what I thought was good. I didn't like when other children, or their parents made fun of my faith. So I laughed with them, to help me cope. When we talked about faith as teenagers, I knew that people would look at me to see what my reaction to some outrageous thought or belief, but I just stayed stoic, as to not give myself the label of weirdo, or naive.

I also didn't stand up for my beliefs because I didn't think I knew enough about my religion. I was naive about my beliefs. I was bad at church and fell asleep during most of the service. My mom would let me sleep on the pew, and when I was awake, I had a very hard time staying focused on anything more than the music.

But the time has come now for me to stand up, and stand out of the crowd. I have been vague all my life, and I have this burning desire in my soul to go bring the world His truth. To share with the world my light.
Neither do men light a acandle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. (Matthew 5:15)
I am declaring to everyone in this bloggershpere that I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Also known as a Mormon. I believe that I will return to live with my Heavenly Father (God) and my Savior, brother and friend; Jesus Christ again. I know that My father in Heaven directs my life daily, and loves me to no end. I see His love for me in the sunsets out my window, and in the evening when the sun sets, and allows me to see the most magical color combinations that I dream of capturing in photography. I know that my brother Jesus Christ died for me so that I can return to live with Him again. He suffered everything for everyone; He has felt the pain you and I felt because He wanted us to return to live with Him again. I know that He would do it all over again if He needed to as well.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wanting to write

I am writing today because I want to write. I want to type out letters that combine into words which then form sentences. I want these sentences to be funny, uplifting, and thought provoking. But that may come later. Right now I just wanna write. Sometimes I have the perfect thing to say. And I can say it in my head, but when the time comes to put these wonderful thoughts down on paper I lack. Because I want them to be so perfect. Have just the right amount of emotion behind the words that I nit pick too much at the structure of the sentence. Thinking "What if they (you) don't take this how I mean it?" or "does this sound right?" but I cant stop writing because you don't understand. That's not the point of this blog. That's letting my MOXIE go to the side and letting the insecure me step up the the plate.

So in writing to you today it is because I have a voice. I have thoughts and feelings that need to be shared. That need to be let out from my head. Do with them what you will. My job is to get them out to let me light shine. So you can make the decision for yourself. The knowledge that I have within me is not only for my use. Neither is yours. We must share our knowledge so that mankind is the benefactor.

If two heads are better than just one, think of how great we can be with more. Think of the possibilities for improvement in this world.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Before I just jump into telling you where I am at, and why I think the way I do, I should probably tell you where I came from, and how I grew up.

I was born in the early 80's!  (This was my favorite doll.)

I am an only child (I have a step sister, but we never grew up together)

I have lived in McKinney, TX for close to 28 years. (It started out as a town, and is now a city.)

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints. (Mormon)

I spent most of my childhood living with my mom during the school year in McKinney; and all the holidays and breaks in Covina, CA with my father and stepmother.

I love music, sports, art, musicals, dreaming, and fun!

I don't really like to watch movies, I fall asleep during most of them, even when I really like them.

I had imaginary friends growing up, which kinda explains why I daydream still today.

I am a dominate personality at work, but very chill and peacemaker at home.

I hate wasting time. I would rather be doing something productive instead of siting in front of a tv.

I think that is enough of me, me, me I think I need to play the Toby Keith song, Wanna Talk about Me.

If you can last through this post, we might just make it!