So how does moxie define me? What does moxie mean?
mox·ie - fortitude and determination.
I like to think that's what I have at this moment, but more like it's what I am striving to be.
So what is this blog going to be about?
Well when deciding to start this blog I was having a hard time coming up with a good name. I liked moxie (obviously) but I also wanted to keep my options open. Because this blog isn't going to be just about one thing. It's going to be what is on my mind, what happened in my life, and any other news I deem important. So did I want to have motley (diversity) in the title? But motley and moxie didn't make for a good title. I finally decided on Mighty Moxie, because moxie was the one word that kept coming back to me.
In short, who really knows where this blog is going to go. I am excited to share with the world my triumphs, and my inadequacies; the good days, and the bad. Who knows what is upcoming but I am excited to blog, again...
In short, who really knows where this blog is going to go. I am excited to share with the world my triumphs, and my inadequacies; the good days, and the bad. Who knows what is upcoming but I am excited to blog, again...